Coating Technology
Rollwasch italiana spa
Coating Technology
Rollwasch® has developed extremely interesting, innovative, automatic and safe coating solutions. On one hand, Steam DYEING technology allow to steam dye components in plastic materials or in composite materials with polymers base. On the other hand, RotoPAINT technology permits the painting or the coating with various composites (for example lubricating or waterproofing) through rotary barrels of special conception.
The two technologies differ in the type of affixed substances and in the way the colour is applied to the surface. Indeed, Steam DYEING technology uses water soluble colourants to dye polymers preheated with dry saturated steam, then undergone to steam jets mixed with colourant of Smart DYEING range and then dried. To give a practical example, today a dyeing classic process envisages the immersion of polymers in a heated liquid made of 1 part of concentrated dye and 9 parts of hot water (e.g. 90°C) – therefore using a medium-small 30-litre tank, you will use 3 kg of concentrated colourant. The same Steam dyeing process in a 36-litre tank involves te use of pre-diluted dye in water (e.g. 1 part of dye and two of water), then added for the dyeing phase in quantities that normally do not exceed 600 gr (hence only 200 gr of concentrated colourant) – this reduces the dye consumption from 3000 to 200 gr, hence about 15 times. We can state that variables can reach extremes between 10 and 20 times if compared to traditional processes. RotoPAINT technology is altogether a painting process with large use of solvent base paints. It can be applied to metal, plastic, wood and composite materials components; RotoPAINT rotary barrels are extremely flexible, efficient and, mainly, safe machines.
Nanotech VibroCoat
Steam Dyeing

The term “RotoPAINT” has been given to the combination of a rotary barrel, or tumbler, having a sophisticated heating technology for the internal area, where parts to be painted are loaded in mass and sprayed during their rotation. This family of machines, conceived for mass painting, is fully automated, certified ATEX and compatible with the Industry 4.0 standards.
A typical working cycle can be set by programming the heating time, then the painting time with the variables (pressure, opening of nozzles, etc.), then the final drying phase.
The clock barrel can be tilted in loading, processing and unloading position.
A peculiarity of the RotoPAINT family of machines is that it can be combined with several Rollwasch® Chemical Additives specifically formulated to offer: Top Coat protectives (to increase resistance or lifetime of oxidable parts)
- Lubrication (applied, for example, to o-rings and similar elastomers)
Therefore, beyond just PAINT, the “RotoPAINT” family of systems is the perfect solution for many functional apps, where final surface has to be painted or improved in its physical properties.
The term “VibroCOAT” has been given to the combination of a vibratory finishing machine, or circular tumbler, having an air heating technology for the internal area, where parts to be coated are loaded in mass and sprayed during their rotation. This family of vibratory machines, conceived for mass coating, is fully automated and compatible with the Industry 4.0 standards.
A typical working cycle can be set by programming the heating time, then the coating time with the variables (flow volume, stop & go or continued, etc.), then the final drying phase.
The vibratory finishing machine can be loaded and, after closing the top cover, activated in full safety.
A peculiarity of the VibroCOAT family of machines is that it can be combined with several Rollwasch® Chemical Additives specifically formulated to offer:
Top Coat protectives (to increase resistance or lifetime of oxidable parts)
- Lubrication (applied, for example, to o-rings and similar elastomers)
- Waxing (applied to coat with wax the surfaces)
Therefore, beyond just COATING, the “VibroCOAT” family of systems is the perfect solution for many functional apps, where final surface has to be coated or improved in its physical properties.

Nanotech VibroCoat
The term “NanoTECH VibroCOAT” has been given to the combination of a vibratory finishing machine, or circular tumbler having an air heating technology for the internal area, where parts to be coated are loaded in mass and sprayed during their rotation – USING SPECIFIC NANO TECHNOLOGIC PRODUCTS. This family of vibratory machines, conceived for mass coating, is fully automated and compatible with the Industry 4.0 standards.
A typical working cycle can be set by programming the heating time, then the coating time with the variables (flow volume, stop & go or continued, etc.), then the final drying phase.
The vibratory finishing machine can be loaded and, after closing the top cover, activated in full safety.
A peculiarity of the NanoTECH VibroCOAT family of machines is that it can be combined with several Rollwasch® Chemical NANOTECHNOLOGIC Additives specifically formulated to offer:
Nano technologic protection (to extend lifetime of galvanized parts)
Therefore, beyond just COATING, the “NanoTECH VibroCOAT” family of systems is the perfect solution for many functional apps, where final surface has to be coated with nano technologic compounds to assure improved physical properties.
Steam Dyeing
The term “SteamDYEING” has been given to the combination of a vibratory finishing machine, or circular tumbler having a steam pre-heating technology for the internal area, where parts to be dyed are loaded in mass and sprayed with colour combined with steam during their rotation. This family of vibratory machines, conceived for Steam DYEING of polymers and elastomers, is fully automated and compatible with the Industry 4.0 standards.
A typical working cycle can be set by programming the pre-heating time, then the dyeing time with the variables (flow volume, stop & go or continued, etc.), then the final drying phase.
The vibratory finishing machine can be loaded and, after closing the top cover, activated in full safety.
A peculiarity of the SteamDYEING family of machines is that it can use, respectively to a traditional dyeing cycle, a fraction of the colour generally used (from -10 to -40 times), thus assuring:
- Best economy than ever
- Reduction of the waste generated by water polluted by the colouring substances
- High efficiency assured by the special technology integrated to clean up the working bowl, in occasion of a colour change
Therefore, beyond just DYEING the “SteamDYEING” family of systems is the perfect solution for many functional apps, where final surface has to be Dyed with a special care to the environment and to the improved efficiency and competitivity of the final products.