Surface Finishing Gallery

We wanted to dedicate this “SURF GALLERY” area (acronym for “Surface Finishing Gallery”) to those looking for an example of finishing, a “before / after” of typical items, etc.    We have chosen a limited series of images from some of the countless series actually managed as projects in the recent years.

I nostri uffici saranno chiusi
venerdì 06/12/2024 dalle ore 12.00 alle 17.00.
Riprenderemo lunedì 9/12/2024.

Our offices will be closed on
Friday 06/12/2024 from 12.00 till 17.00.
We will be back on Monday 9/12/2024.

Rollwasch Italiana Spa sarà chiusa per le vacanze estive dal 05/08/2024 al 23/08/2024

Rollwasch Italiana Spa will be closed for summer holidays from 05/08/2024 to 23/08/2024.