Drag Blast Technology

Rollwasch italiana spa

Drag Blast Technology

DragBLAST technology is the result of the combination between Drag Finishing machines (or variants covered by international patent such as Eccentric Finishing or Carving Finish) and sandblasting, shot peening or shot blasting systems expressly designed. This revolutionary vision of possible operating dynamics and combinations of state-of-the-art technologies has opened very interesting and different perspectives. The potentials of this technology range from depression (or venturi) sand-blasting processes to pressure ones (with medium-large machines), from turbine processes (with quite big or very large machines) to wet technologies for interesting applications in medical, food and aerospace field.

The managing of more axis such as the inclination angle of a rotary head or of a spindle, the satellite rotation or counter-rotation speed, the up and down vertical axis and the suitable managing of sandblasting nozzles with relevant movements and strokes, allows infinite combinations among the operating variables. On one hand, DragBLAST technology is part of PMRF (Precision Material Removal Finishing) processes family. Indeed, components to treat can be fixed to suitable frames and involved where needed and for the time needed. On the other hand, in relation to sandblasting technologies that are implemented, it is a separate technology.


De-pressure DragBLAST DP (venturi)


Pressure DragBLAST PR





De-pressure DragBLAST DP (Venturi)

The term “De-pressure DragBLAST DP” (Venturi) is one of the most INNOVATIVE blasting technologies, where the combination of drag finishing and blasting opens the door to a completely new world of possible uses.

One of the main goals of the “DragBLAST DP” is to offer an AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGY to do, in automatic, the most precise and targeted blasting operations.

DragBLAST DP” is representing more and more the alternative to robotic systems, although it remains open to robotic integration, wherever needed.  Compared to robotic systems this technology does not need skilful engineers to program the software for every item processed, taking advantage of the combination of holding-frames and simple recipes on the HMI touch screen.

Our offer of “DragBLAST DP” machines is as good for metal components, as for polymers and composites, wood and ceramic.

The design of our “DragBLAST DP” machines is the result of an intensive activity of R&D that Rollwasch® continuously renews, year after year, since 1950.

Therefore, “DragBLAST DP” at Rollwasch® is the perfect solution for daily professional use, where all kinds of blasting media can be used, except the metallic media and very high-density media.

The term “Pressure DragBLAST PR” is one of the most INNOVATIVE blasting technologies, where the combination of drag finishing and pressure blasting opens the door to a completely new world of possible uses.

One of the main goals of the “DragBLAST PR” is to offer an AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGY to do, in automatic, the most precise and targeted blasting operations.

DragBLAST PR” is representing more and more the alternative to robotic systems, although it remains open to robotic integration, wherever needed.  Compared to robotic systems, this technology does not need skilful engineers to program the software for every item processed, taking advantage of the combination of holding-frames and simple recipes on the HMI touch screen.

Our offer of “DragBLAST PR” machines is as good for metal components, as for polymers and composites and ceramic.

The design of our “DragBLAST PR” machines is the result of an intensive activity of R&D that Rollwasch® continuously renews, year after year, since 1950.

Therefore, “DragBLAST PR” at Rollwasch® is the perfect solution for daily professional use, where all kinds of blasting media can be used, including also the metallic media.

Pressure DragBLAST PR


The term “DragBLAST Wet” is one of the most INNOVATIVE blasting technologies, where the combination of drag finishing and wet blasting opens the door to a completely new world of possible uses.

At Rollwasch® with this term we are able to offer both the following technologies:

1. DragBLAST WET based on traditional “Wet Blasting” technology, generated by the combination of compressed air combined with pump feeding the “slurry” (water mixed with blasting abrasives), to the blasting nozzle – then recycled “n” times over “n” sets of components;

2. DragBLAST WET based on innovative “Wet Blasting MF” technology, covered by the Patented technology “Micro Fluid” – in this case the use is mostly recommended for who does not want that pollutants are recycled together with the blasting media (Slurry).

One of the main goals of the “DragBLAST WET” is to offer an AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGY to do, in automatic, the most precise and targeted blasting operations.

DragBLAST WET” is representing more and more the alternative to robotic systems, although it remains open to robotic integration, wherever needed.  Compared to robotic systems, this technology does not need skilful engineers to program the software for every item processed, taking advantage of the combination of holding-frames and simple recipes on the HMI touch screen.

Our offer of “DragBLAST WET” machines is as good for metal components, as for polymers and composites, wood and ceramic.

The design of our “DragBLAST WET” machines is the result of an intensive activity of R&D that Rollwasch® continuously renews, year after year, since 1950.

Therefore, “DragBLAST WET” at Rollwasch®  is the perfect solution for daily professional use, where all kinds of blasting media can be used, except the metallic media and very high-density media.

The term “DragBLAST ICE” is one of the most INNOVATIVE blasting technologies, where the combination of drag finishing and ICE blasting opens the door to a completely new world of possible uses.

At Rollwasch with this term we are able to offer both the following technologies:

1. DragBLAST ICE based on traditional “ICE Blasting” technology, generated by the combination of compressed air combined with dry ice pellets (based on CO2)

2. DragBLAST ICE based on innovative “ICE Blasting Nitrogen” technology, generated by the combination of compressed air combined with special blasting media and a cryogenic environment determined by the use of Nitrogen;

One of the main goals of the “DragBLAST ICE” is to offer an AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGY to do, in automatic, the most precise and targeted blasting operations.

DragBLAST ICE” is representing more and more the alternative to robotic systems, although it remains open to robotic integration, wherever needed.  Compared to robotic systems, this technology does not need skilful engineers to program the software for every item processed, taking advantage of the combination of holding-frames and simple recipes on the HMI touch screen.

Our offer of “DragBLAST ICE” machines is as good for elastomers, as for polymers and composites.

The design of our “DragBLAST ICE” machines is the result of an intensive activity of R&D that Rollwasch continuously renews, year after year, since 1950.

Therefore, “DragBLAST ICE” at Rollwasch is the perfect solution for daily professional use, where all kinds of blasting media can be used, except the metallic media and very high-density media.


DragBLAST Technologies are covered by several patents and object of R&D programs aiming to develop smart solutions