LERFIT – Leading Edge Robotic Finishing Tech

Rollwasch®’s machines and automatic systems programme for Wave Finishing “RoboTEP” allows to achieve new goals in the finishing standards, relying on the principles of centrifugal force. While with drag finishing you get results in hours or fractions, with Wave Finishing it only takes a few minutes. This programme also offers combined solutions with robots (RoboTEP), matched with devices for the automatic replacement of media (Media Smart) and other exclusive innovations.

The RoboGRIND programme (Robot Grinding Systems) was born from the symbiosis between Rollwasch® and high experienced domestic partners in the specific field of robotic grinding. The synergy originated from the integration of grinding and vibratory finishing, tumbling or drag finishing (TEP), provides new opportunities to the finishing systems producers’ international stage. The RoboGRIND programme offers grinding islands that can be based on several hardware, among which we mention Fanuc, but also Comau, Kawasaki, Kuka, Mitsubishi and Staubli. The constant activity of R&D lead us towards the automation and the rationalization of the interaction between grinding and vibratory finishing in order to offer an integrated solution. The study of the RoboGRIND solutions applicable to every type of workpiece, is supported by samples with various grades of finishing, from gross grinding, to the various finer passages, to final smoothing and/or polishing with vibratory finishing machines and/or with TEP.